Not One More: #ERA100 Campaign

Take Action: Tweet at the White House

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Ask DOJ to remove the Trump era memo on the ERA

Take Action: Urge DOJ to remove the Trump Administration memo

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Ask the Attorney General to remove the Trump era memo on the ERA

Take Action: Urge DOJ to remove the Trump Administration memo

Sign the Petition
Call the Archivist, ask her to publish the ERA

Take Action: Call the U.S. Archivists Office

Call the Archivist

Take Action: Tell the U.S. Archivist to Publish the ERA

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Ask your member of Congress to sign the discharge petition for the ERA bill

Take Action: Tell Congress to Sign the Discharge Petition to Bring HJ Res 25 to the Floor

Contact Congress
Ask your member of Congress to support the legislation to affirm the ERA

Take Action: Urge Your Member of Congress to Affirm the ERA

Contact Congress