This is a war on us all
February 18, 2025
The Equal Rights Amendment is rising in the public discourse! As we begin to assess the damage done by Covid-19, many look to this fundamental change in our Constitution. Rights, protections, recognition of contributions and capabilities are all limited by or exclusion from the US Constitution.
We hope you can join us Wednesday, April 15th on Instagram for a live conversation with Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) Chair of the House Oversight Committee and longtime ERA advocate, who will talk with us about where we are now--post historic vote to dissolve the time limit---what next steps does she see?
And on Thursday, Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman, who started the recent state push for ratification by leading the 2017 victory in her state will tell us what issues have risen to the top during this stressful time, and what we need to do now.
On April 29th ERA Coalition Co-Founder and Co-President Jessica Neuwirth will join New York State Attorney General Letitia James for a special Woman's Day address on the Equal Rights Amendment.
We loved the conversation last week between ERA Coalition Legal Task Force Chair Linda Coberly and Kate Kelly of our Lead Organization Equality Now. Great examination of the ramifications of the lawsuit of the Attorney Generals of Nevada, Illinois, and Virginia to compel the Archivist to certify the ERA. We were honored to present with them when they announced the suit, and look forward to its resolution.
Mrs America arrives tomorrow on FX on Hulu--a great time to binge watch and experience this dramatic exploration of the 1970's 80's ERA effort starring Cate Blanchette. We have not seen the series, but we'll report our reactions after the debut; please let us know what you think.
Here's one look at the portrayal of women of color--the iconic Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm and outstanding activist Flo Kennedy. You can read the article here.
Our Friends and Filmmakers Ariel Doughtry and Alexandra Hidalgo, along with Coalition Lead Organization Equal Means Equal have put forward a robust, impressive petition to Hollywood to do better about women and the ERA. Here's information on their effort. A huge list of signatories, agreement all around.
And be sure to read Lead Organization Feminist Majority's Ms Magazine piece on recent triumphs of the ERA and next steps. Our DC Director Bettina Hager and I were thrilled to be in the gallery as Virginia became the 38th state needed for ratification of the ERA.
Stay tuned, much happening. Thanks for being with us.
Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition