As Abigail Adams famously told her husband when working on creating the Constitution, "Remember the Ladies."  Our founders did not, and left women out of this most essential document. We have been paying a high price ever since.

That is why we are working so hard on the Equal Rights Amendment--to fix this grievous exclusion. We are very close. But right now we will see up close the damage the absence of equality can exact.

As we face the oncoming tsunami of Covid-19, we would urge all to remember the women--who will face the harshest punishment as our society rearranges itself to stay alive: women are already most of the poor of this country--the least likely to have savings, health insurance or paid sick leave--the ones who most likely now have to find child care as schools across the country shut down. This pandemic will have a devastating impact on the women of America.

Please keep that in mind as you reach out to help, as so many of you are doing. And we urge all to stay as safe as possible.

The ERA Coalition continues to work during this time--remotely, as directed by officials. An update on recent ERA developments:

Federal: We continue to work on SJ Res 6, the bi-partisan bill to remove the time limit on the ERA. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) who sponsors the bill with Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) took to the floor of the Senate on March 12th to push for its passage. Co-sponsors now at 48, all Democrats, 2 Republicans. We continue to reach out to Republican Senators. Please go to our Advocacy Map to contact your Senators and urge them to sign on:

States: Good news out of South Carolina. The full Judiciary will consider the ERA: " An all-female Senate Judiciary subcommittee unanimously voted to opt South Carolina into the growing roster of states calling for an Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." What's more, it was two Republican state senators (Katrina Shealy and Sandy Senn) and two Democratic senators (Margie Bright Matthews and Mia McLeod who sent out 2 ERA bills to the full Judiciary--another by Senator Tom Davis. Congrats to our SC Lead Org Equal Means ERA for their good hard work. You can read all about it HERE.

Legal: Amicus briefs- Please let us know if you have a suggestion for an Amicus brief to support the Attorneys General of Nevada, Illinois and Virginia in their suit to compel the Archivist to certify the ERA. We are working with them and several legal teams to support their efforts.

ERA Coalition Business Council: On Wednesday, March 11th the ERA Coalition announced the launch of Corporate America for the ERA with charter partner Johnnie Walker and its new product Jane Walker Black. You can read all about it at:

Actress Sophia Bush joined ERA Coalition Co-Founder/Co-President Jessica Neuwirth in celebrating the Call to Action to Business Leaders across the country, to join Corporate American for the ERA.

ERA Coalition's Co-Founder and Co-President, Jessica Neuwirth
Actress and Activist Sophia Bush at the #JWFORERA event in NYC, 3/10/2020. View more images from this event by clicking on the image.

KIND Equality bars: Here's a story about KIND's historic "Equality" bars--with a way to contact your representatives--a special Women's History Month campaign benefiting our Lead Organization, The Alice Paul Institute. Congrats to API!

And while you may have  more reading time, here's a good overview piece on the ERA written by Robin Bleiweis of the Center for American Progress.

Wishing all health and patience as we move through the pandemic. Know that we will be working for your Equal Future throughout.

Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition

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