Partner update curated by AJ Conroy

Advocates and leaders like ERA Minnesota are working with Minnesota legislators, who just introduced a Revisor bill on January 27, 2022 calling for a revision of Minnesota Statutes and Rules for compliance with the Equal Rights Amendment in 2023. Minnesota is also considering adding an ERA to its state Constitution!

In honor of ERA Day, January 27, 2022, State Senator Sandy Pappas and State Representative Rena Moran rolled out their ERA Compliance Bill at a press conference at in the Minnesota Capitol press room. You can read the full compliance bill here. And check out the State ERA bill, which is described as a state Constitutional amendment providing for gender equality under the law!

And on Monday in the Capitol Rotunda, our friends at ERA Minnesota held a #Day1forERA Rally before the Minnesota House Judiciary began hearing the ERA bills the following day. You can watch their rally on the ERA MN Facebook page!

Great work, Minnesotans!

Header image courtesy of the ERA MN Facebook page

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