As the Republican National Convention gets underway we want to make note of the great efforts of Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski (R), who is a committed leader in the removal of the time limit on the ERA. She is lead co-sponsor on SJ Res 6 with Maryland Senator Ben Cardin (D). Senator Collins (R) of Maine has also joined.

The ERA is not in the RNC platform this year. Please have your Senators sign-on to SJ Res 6 and vote for equality. Our petition with more than 3,000 signatures can be found here.

Alaska Senator
Lisa Murkowski (R)

Maryland Senator
Ben Cardin (D)

Maine Senator
Susan Collins (R)

Women's Equality Day Celebrations

We were delighted to join Coalition Member, the National Women's Political Caucus for their 49th Annual Meeting. Bettina Hager, DC Director and Director of Outreach & Advocacy, Linda Coberly, Chair of the ERA Coalition Legal Taskforce, and I gave an update on the ERA.

Here are some other celebrations of Women's Suffrage, this week and in the future:

Monday, August 24th - Tuesday, August 25th - #PostcardAroundTheClock 

I get to join in a 24-hour event, that starts tonight at 8pm through tomorrow at 8pm. Co-Hosted by Markers For Democracy, Downtown Nasty Women Social Group, The Wednesday Group, and Team Min. Get your postcards ready! I'll be on talking about the ERA in the 7 o'clock hour tomorrow night, and get to introduce the fabulous feminist rock group, BETTY.

You can register HERE.

Wednesday, August 26th - Women's Equality Day

1:30pm ET I join  House Oversight and Steering Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney and New York State Lt. Gov Kathy Hochul, and others for a "Women’s Equality Day Roundtable."

3pm ET I'll be in Facebook Conversation with Congresswoman Madeleine Dean (PA) about women’s suffrage, the Equal Rights Amendment, current issues and priorities. You can watch the live stream here.

8pm ET Bettina Hager, our DC Director and Director of Outreach & Advocacy has a segment on the ERA for #Facethemusic4era an ERA Concert hosted by Coalition Lead Organization, ERA Minnesota. We are a co-sponsor along with many other Coalition members. You can learn more here.

9pm ET We will join the star studded line-up for Women Take The Stage, concert and rally to talk about equality. You can learn more here.

Part 1 - The Montana Chapter of the National Organization for Women (a Coalition Lead Organization) presents a virtual screening of the award-winning documentary Equal Means Equal, written and directed by Kamala Lopez (Founder of Lead Organization, Equal Means Equal) will be offered on August 26 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm.  Ms. Lopez, the Latina filmmaker and activist, will introduce the film and discuss Calls to Action.  Trailer - Equal Means Equal

Part 2 on September 9th

7-8:30pm MT - The Montana Chapter of the National Organization for Women (a Coalition Lead Organizations) presents It's Time: Constitutional Equality for Women - NOW! - a virtual program highlighting the pressing need for implementing the Equal Rights Amendment and expanding all voter rights. 

I will be delivering the keynote. Learn more HERE.

Saturday, August 29th

10am CT I will be speaking at "Strictly Speaking: Equal Rights Should Have No Deadline" Project 28 (Coalition Lead Organization) in collaboration with the Women's Equality Coalition of Greater Kansas City and the Kansas City Public Library. Learn more HERE.

While we celebrate let's remember that the work's not finished; let's get out that vote, #ElectingEquality.

In Solidarity,

Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition

Please consider making a donation today to help us continue our work towards equality for all.

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Why Young Men in the US Should Pay Attention to and Advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment

July 31, 2024

ERA Coalition was on MSNBC's Morning Joe!

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The ERA is hitting the cat walk…sort of

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