Greetings from New York City. Every night at 7 o'clock I go to my window and join my neighbors in cheering for our essential workers. We clap, bang pots, honk horns and otherwise create a ruckus of thanks for everyone who has made the intolerable loss of life here more tolerable.

But we are concerned about those who can't call out--who can't let us know that they are in distress--the mostly women and children now locked in their homes with abusers. The statistics are alarming across the country, and we get more worried when the number of calls drop, wondering what that means.

Please join us on Wednesday, May 27th at 6P/ET for our next Town Hall: Violence Against Women and the ERA.

Among the panelists (in formation):

Jessica Lenahan, of the Supreme Court case Gonzales V US. Twenty years ago Jessica's three young daughters lost their lives to her estranged husband. She's been an advocate ever since.

Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, one of Jessica's long time lawyers, and  Director of the Human Rights Clinic at the University of Miami School of Law

Lisa Sales, assault survivor and survivor advocate, and member of the Fairfax County Commission for Women.

Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman, eager for more strenuous legislation that will protect women and children.

Jessica Neuworth, Co-Founder and Co-President of the ERA Coalition and author of Equal Means Equal: Why the Time for the ERA is Now.

Please join us by Zoom--you can register here--and leave a question for us--or watch live on our Facebook Page.

So many thanks to all who joined our Town Hall on the ERA this past Wednesday--we had a full house--Senators Ben Cardin and Lisa Murkowski, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman, and former Illinois Representative Steven Andersson, as well as Linda Coberly, Chair of the ERA Coalition Legal Task Force and Rosie Couture who heads up Generation Ratify. If you missed the event, you can watch it here.

And some good news--read the great story and American Bar Association polling news in the current Ms Magazine--fully 83 % support the ERA--over 90% of 18-24 year olds.

The Equal Future we are working on will belong to them.

In Solidarity,

Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition

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