Our work to encourage the Biden Administration to publish the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) continues unchanged. The ERA has fulfilled all requirements to be recognized as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and although helpful, does not require passage of additional legislation by Congress. We call upon the President to instruct the archivist to publish the ERA without further delay.

In 2023, we recognize the 100-year anniversary of the ERA being introduced in Congress. We also start the new 118th Congressional session and our work to pass legislation to recognize the ERA as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution begins again. We expect to have resolutions introduced in both the House of Representatives and the Senate later in January when both chambers are back in session.

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Why Young Men in the US Should Pay Attention to and Advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment

July 31, 2024

ERA Coalition was on MSNBC's Morning Joe!

February 08, 2024

The ERA is hitting the cat walk…sort of

January 29, 2024