By Jenny Horn

The ERA Coalition, an organization led by women of color, represents millions of people and more than 200 allied organizations whose common mission is to see the Equal Rights Amendment ratified and implemented within the United States Constitution. As we continue our fight towards the constitutional protections of those on the account of sex, many new companies, businesses, individuals, and organizations have followed suit and joined forces to become partners in the Coalition. As a show of our gratitude and continued support, we would like to take a moment to spotlight some of our new partners!

In August of 2021:

Thank you so much to all of our new partners for their essential support in pursuit of the continued ratification and implementation of the Equal Rights Amendment within the United States Constitution. This month’s member highlights include Jewish Women International, the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence, and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority!

Jewish Women International

Jewish Women International is the leading organization working to empower women and girls by ensuring and protecting their safety, health, rights, and economic security, promoting and celebrating inter-generational leadership, and inspiring civic participation and community engagement. Jewish Women International’s work is all-inclusive, focusing on every matter from domestic violence in the Jewish community, to financial literacy skills amongst girls and women, to all-encompassing advocacy through envisioning a world where women have true and complete freedom and equality. Jewish Women International joined forces with the Equal Rights Amendment Coalition this month to further represent the many women that would be explicitly protected by the ERA’s ratification and implementation within the United States Constitution.

Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence works collaboratively alongside the community and foundation partners to achieve social justice and systemic change on behalf of domestic violence survivors and their families. GCADV is committed to motivating, informing, and connecting with stakeholders and other community members involving this issue. Recognizing that no single organization offers all of the solutions, the GCADV believes that through coming together and working collaboratively with a wide range of partners and by creating new approaches, we can ensure that survivors are safe, empowered, and set up for success. In pursuit of these outcomes, the Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence has partnered with the Equal Rights Amendment Coalition to provide aid to women across a multitude of channels, affirming that survivors and their families can only be explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution through the ratification and implementation of the ERA.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is an organization of college educated women committed to the constructive development of its members and to public service with a primary focus on the Black community. In realizing its mission, Delta Sigma Theta provides an extensive array of public service initiatives through its Five-Point Programmatic Thrust of economic development, educational development, international awareness and involvement, political awareness and involvement, and physical and mental health. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority joined efforts with the Equal Rights Amendment Coalition as a member this month to ensure the implementation of the ERA in the U.S. Constitution as an additional layer of explicit protection for the many women that Delta Sigma Theta already aims to represent and protect. 

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