The ERA Coalition is growing from 150 partner orgs to 500. We are inviting new partners to join the ERA Coalition to expand our diversity and build a broader, stronger movement. Please help us keep inclusivity at the forefront of our work by inviting groups you know and work with who have a stake in this fight. In June we are welcoming new LGBTQIATS organizations and in July we’ll be doing outreach to civil rights groups, though any group is welcome to sign up and join at any time.

Each month we coordinate a new member onboarding meet-up. It’s a great opportunity to learn more about the work we’re doing, network, and build a stronger voice for equality. And every other week Coalition members join the full network of groups for guest speakers, updates on state ERA work, and more. If you know organizations who want to partner with the ERA Coalition, please send them our way by having them complete this partner join form.

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Why We’re Still Fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment

October 09, 2024

Why Young Men in the US Should Pay Attention to and Advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment

July 31, 2024

ERA Coalition was on MSNBC's Morning Joe!

February 08, 2024