Today, join us as we celebrate the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. We will be streaming her arrival at the Supreme Court in advance of a private ceremony in the Great Hall live from our Facebook page starting at 9:30 a.m. ET.

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dedicated her life to women’s equality under the law. We are on the precipice of adopting the Equal Rights Amendment as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Getting this done could not be more urgent. Today we ask you to think about how you want to participate, how you want to make equality happen. How will you honor the legacy of Justice Ginsburg? How will you protect all the women and girls in your life?

Here are some ways to take action, start here- do more!

1. VOTE: The 2020 election is just 40 days away, and what we do at the ballot box will determine the fate of the ERA.  Elect Equality is a new tool that allows voters to determine if their candidates are pro-ERA by simply entering their state or zip code, and access resources on how to prepare and register for election day. Check out the website:

2. ADVOCATE: The Senate has yet to vote on SJ Res 6, the bill to remove the time limit on the ERA. Use our advocacy map to contact your Senators and urge them to honor the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by adding the ERA to the Constitution, which she frequently affirmed as one of her greatest wishes. Visit the map here:

3. SIGN: Sign our petition asking the Senate to follow the lead of the House of Representatives, and act now to remove the time limit from the ERA by bringing SJ Res 6 to the floor for a vote. Add your name:

4. DONATE:  Support our work to honor the legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and see the ERA adopted to the U.S. Constitution. Donate here:

We'll all be watching and commenting with you, for the livestream. See you on our Facebook page.

In Solidarity,

The Team - Carol, Bettina, Katherine, Aminat, and Rachel

Read More

Why We’re Still Fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment

October 09, 2024

Why Young Men in the US Should Pay Attention to and Advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment

July 31, 2024

ERA Coalition was on MSNBC's Morning Joe!

February 08, 2024