We want to share with you the breaking news from House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer in his most recent Dear Colleague letter, indicating legislation that will be voted on in the upcoming weeks. HJ Res 79, Congresswoman Jackie Speier's bill to remove the time limit, will be taken up the week of February 10th.

Also that week, I expect to bring legislation to the Floor to remove the deadline for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would ensure the ERA can become part of our Constitution when it is ratified by a sufficient number of states.

Here is the full letter. We will keep you posted as we learn more details. Our sincere thanks to all who supported our petition for a speedy vote --and for the tireless work of Congresswomen Speier and Carolyn Maloney who have waged this battle for the ERA for many years. And to our Coalition members who have shown such formidable leadership--you are much appreciated.

And, as always, to all reading this, thank you.

In solidarity and Onward!

Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition

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