Those calendar pages are flying off into the air---November 5th and a vote in Virginia are straight ahead. Thanks to all who are participating in postcarding, phone and text banking. According to Kati Hornung at VARatifyERA.Org we now have people in all 50 states--and 17 countries--working to support Virginia as the 38th--and final state to ratify the ERA. There is still time to sign up for phone and text: www.VARatifyERA.Org/call-to-action.

Rotten Apples

The movement has also been gifted by the Level Forward Company--Abby Disney is on our Advisory Board--with a focus from Rotten Apples on the ERA. Rotten Apples is a website founded in the midst of the MeToo Movement as a way for everyone to see whether or not television shows or movies are tainted by makers or stars who have been accused of sexual misconduct. Today the link went live with its focus on the ERA. Up first, Virginia:

We believe that for women to be treated equitably in the Hollywood—but really in any industry—laws must be in place to ensure it. That is why we are asking anyone who visits our site to help push for final ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment.

As you move through the site, you will see options to reach voters in Virginia by Twitter and Facebook. Thanks, Rotten Apples.

ERA Law Conference

Bettina Hager, our DC Director/COO and I will be in Richmond tomorrow, October 26th for the New Era for the Equal Rights Amendment Legal Convention at the University of Richmond School of Law. It's a star-studded list of participants including Virginia Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger, Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman, Illinois former Representative Steve Andersson, Linda Coberly, Chair of the ERA Coalition's Legal Task Force, Virginia Senator Jennifer McClellan and Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy, Ellie Smeal of Feminist Majority, Kate Kelly of Equality Now, Jean Sweeney of Rethinking Eve, Julie Suk Of CUNY--and many more experts. So pleased to be among the panelists presenting the case for the ERA in the future.

November 20 MSNBC Debate

MSNBC just announced that their next debate will be anchored by four women: NBC's Andrea Mitchell, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow, NBC's Kristen Welker, and Ashley Parker of the Washington Post. It prompted Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin to suggest:

The moderators might also address issues virtually ignored to date. On women’s health, what religious exemptions are they willing to accept when it comes to employer-provided health insurance? What is their plan/position on child care, K-12 education, paternity and maternity leave, and the Equal Rights Amendment?

Wait--do we really think the ERA will come up in this debate configuration? Let's make it happen. Postcards, texting and phone banking at the ready. The debate is on November 20th.

Reach out to and we'll start up a petition.

In Solidarity,

Carol Jenkins
Co-President and CEO
ERA Coalition

Please consider making a donation today to help us continue our work towards equality for all.

Read More

Why We’re Still Fighting for the Equal Rights Amendment

October 09, 2024

Why Young Men in the US Should Pay Attention to and Advocate for the Equal Rights Amendment

July 31, 2024

ERA Coalition was on MSNBC's Morning Joe!

February 08, 2024