22222222California advocates are making progress!

By Aryana Goodarzi and AJ Conroy

Exciting progress in California! In the span of one week, the California legislature saw two new resolutions regarding the Equal Rights Amendment (28th Amendment). First, the CA Senate Judiciary Committee approved SJR12, sponsored by Senator Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and Sen. Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley). This resolution directs California’s congressional delegation to vote to affirm the Equal Rights Amendment.

The second resolution, SCR92, introduced by Senator Connie Leyva (D-Chino), directs the California Law Revision Commission to audit the state’s law for compliance with the 28th Amendment. Specifically, to identify any laws that are discriminatory on the basis of sex or have a discriminatory effect on the basis of sex in their application.  If you vote in California, please contact your legislators about these important resolutions.

Congratulations to California advocates! The ERA Coalition applauds California and encourages more states to affirm the 28th Amendment. We encourage each state to audit its statutes and administrative code in light of the Equal Rights Amendment. Stay tuned for more state updates!