22222222Equality Talks Podcast: Rep. Cori Bush, Equal Rights Amendment Caucus – Mission Possible

Rep. Cori Bush, House Equal Rights Amendment Caucus Co-Chair

Congresswoman Cori Bush, the first African-American woman to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives from Missouri and a co-leader of the ERA (Equal Rights Amendment) Caucus. She is an activist, nurse, pastor, and community leader who is redefining what it means to be a member of Congress.

Representative Bush has lived the struggles regular, everyday people endure; from the impact of skyrocketing housing costs to payday lending to systemic racism in policing, she’s lived the ways injustice in our nation holds people back in St. Louis and across America. In just her first year, Congresswoman Cori has changed the debate in Congress by introducing major pieces of legislation like a Green New Deal for Cities and the People’s Response Act, and led a campaign on the steps of the U.S. Capitol to prevent people from being evicted during the pandemic. Earlier this year, she made national headlines when she shared her own powerful experience with sexual assault and abortion. Congresswoman Cori is a transformational leader with a relentless drive to deliver for Missouri’s first district–especially for people who have long been harmed by the way our government too often prioritizes the rich and powerful over everyone else.

Congresswoman Cori has lived the struggles that many in her community have faced. She is a single mom, has experienced being unhoused and evicted, and she is a survivor of police, sexual, and domestic violence. Her mission is to do the very most for her community — starting with those who have the very least.

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